
J4 Laboratory performs all necessary testing for the stimulation and fracturing fluid designs.

  • HPHT Rheometer - Provides real time data of fluids at bottomhole temperature.
  • HPHT Software - Fluid degradation analysis on the gel is provided by our software to ensure proper breakdown concentration within the job's time and temperature requirements.
  • Open Cup Rheometer - is an option for QC during the job.
  • Full water test kits are available along with on-site fluid tech.
Water Analysis
  • Testing for ion and anion capabilities
  • Hydrocarbon testing and cloud testing
  • Sand sieve analysis
  • Distillation testing
  • Bacteria testing
  • pH meter
Wet Chemistry
  • Acid solubility
  • Acid strength
  • Specific gravity
  • Suspension test
  • Paraffin's test and solubility

Magnum Slick Fluid

J4 Oil Field’s Magnum slick fluid improves performance in fresh water and brine applications. With up to 10% Potassium or Sodium Chloride (KCl or NaCl), its friction reducer capabilities and fast hydration reduce pumping and horsepower requirements.

  • Excellent friction-reduction agent in fresh and KCI fluids.
  • Extremely rapid hydration and yield for on-the-fly mixing.
  • Improves fracture conductivity by eliminating residue.
  • Fast hydrating for quick dissolve to improve clean up.
  • Generates zero residue and regains higher permeability than other products.
  • Soluble at all water conditions with the exception of high-calcium brines.

Orion Fluid System

J4 Oilfield’s Orion fluid system is an organic borate fracturing fluid system that provides a high viscosity with a low gel conversion. This fluid system consists of a buffered and low residue guar gel complex with a bottomhole application temperature of 290°F. Lower gel loading results in polymer reduction, decrease in formation damage, and improved conductivity. Based on the job requirements, the complex polymer is broken with a combination of enzymes and oxidizers into a low viscosity that is based on temperature and time.

  • Simple to use system enhances quality and helps reduce time on location.
  • Achieves clean, complex breaks.
  • Provides excellent proppant transport.
  • Reduces polymer loading required to obtain necessary viscosity.
  • Helps reduce formation damage.
  • Work with a pH of 9.2 thru 12.0
  • Incompatible with cat-ionic surfactants
  • Maximum bottomhole application temperature of 290°F

Titanium Fluid System

Titanium Fluid System is a tempertaure-activated, zirconate-crosslink base fluid. It is composed of CMHPG.

  • Titanium LPH (pH 4.0 to 6.0) 100°F to 250°F
  • Titanium HT (pH 9.0 to 11.9) 275°F to 400°F

Fluid is designed for use with a zirconium crosslinker followed with a buffer to assist in controlling pH to achieve the time delay needed.


The zirconium crosslink polymer bond is sensitive to shear. High shear irreversibly degrades Titanium Fluid System. The bond between the crosslinker and the polymer cannot re-form once it is broken; crosslinking in a high-shear region is not desirable because an irreversible loss of viscosity results.

By manipulating the Titanium Fluid chemistry, the crosslinking can be delayed to avoid crosslinking in the high-shear (generally 500 to 1000 sec-1) region of the tubing, while initiating crosslinking in the lower shear (generally 10 to 200 sec-1) region of the fracture.


The waterfrac (WF) series of this fluid system is pepared by adding our CMHPG gel (refined) to fresh water containing 0% to 5% KCl or KCl substitute. Concentrations of CMHPG gel for WF are listed in table 1.

Table 1-CMHPG required to prepare WF fluids at specified polymer concentrations

Polymer Load

lbm/1000 gal


gal/1000 gal

10 2.5
15 3.7555
20 5.0
25 6.25
30 7.5
35 8.75
40 10.0
Hydration requirements

Upon addition of the CHMPG slurry to the mix water, full mechanical dispersion though adequate mixing energy is required. To facilitate hydration, stabilizing pH agent (Acetic Acid, 10 – 20% solution) should be used to lower the pH of the water to 5.0 to 6.0 pH.

To obtain maximum fluid efficiency and fluid performance, the base gel containing the CMHPG polymer and hydration buffer must be completely hydrated prior to the addition of additives and crosslinker.

Water Requirements
  • Source water, light brine or fresh water containing 2% KCl or KCl substitute can be used. The water quality should be laboratory tested.
  • Temperature; the optimum mix-water temperature range is 40°F to 100°F. Hydration of the polymer is slow at temperatures below 40°F.
  • pH; the optimum mix-water pH range is 5 to 6. A pH value over 6, may prolong hydration and result inadequate gelling or decrease hydration rate.
  • Upon addition of the polymer to the water, the pH increases because of an internal buffer in the polymer. The pH should be lowered for hydration to between 5.0 to 6.0 range. When using Boric or fumaric acid, pH should be lower to 3.0 to 5.0 range. Once hydration is complete, a high-temperature stabilizer may be used, thiosulfate is most common.
  • The crosslinker may be added at different concentration with respect to delay time and temperature. Laboratory testing should determine such ranges.
  • Delay should be achieved by use of buffering agents, to meet well requirements for “pipe-time”.
Breakers or Oxidizers
  • Live breaker such as Ammonium persulfate, born persulfate, and any tribute ester may be used for quick and fast viscosity breakes on this system.
  • Encapsulated breakers such allows AP, BrSo4 and other encapsulated breaker are also recommended due to its delay me mechanizum for low reaction on viscosity break.
  • Covers a wide range of temperature from 100°F to 400°F, with respect to pH range.
  • Allows for viscosity stability with both fresh, produce and low percentage brine water.
  • Strong molecular structure creates sign, double and zigma bonds for a long straight chain structure, which in turn, yields stability at high temperatures.

Resin-coated proppant, especially curable resing-coated proppan to a zirconate crosslinked fluid can interfere with the crosslinking mechanism.

pH reduction after all the additive and proppant has been added to the system may result in loss of viscosity at its initial point of crosslink.

Oil Frac System

Oil Frac System is a gelled, oil-base fluid design for the treatment of water-sensitive formations. Kerosene, condensate and a wide variety of crude oil can be used for the Oil Frac System. The temperature range of Oil Frac System are from 90 deg F to 240 deg F. Applications outside that range may result in difficulty breaking the gel below 90 deg F and insufficient viscosity at time and temperature of 240 deg F. Oil Frac System can be batch mix or continuous mixed. The batch mixing of the fluid quickly develops and maintains a stable viscosity which aids in handling and quality control in the field. The continuous mix system eliminates the time and expense of batch mixing and the cost associated with the loss of gel left in the frac tank.

  • Laboratory testing is the only way to establish suitability of any base or refined hydrocarbon fluid for this system. Kerosene or diesel without additives such as inhibitors, pour-=point depressants and other surfactants type additives is preferred.
  • Crude is more likely to be acceptable if it is above 25°API with low level of paraffin and asphaltenes.
  • The concentration of gelling agent and the ratio of activator to the gelling agent determine the final viscosity, rate of viscosity buildup and gel stability at temperatures.
  • Increasing the ratio of activator to gelling agent accelerates gelation time, but reduces gel stability at the upper end of the temperature range.
  • Easy to use fluid system with less than 4 chemical in total.
  • Excellent fluid loss control.
  • Lowers friction pressure by an average of 25%
  • Compatible with most produced oil, diesel and kerosene
  • Compatible with energized treatment (CO2 and N2)
  • Fire suppression system is required on location at all times, when pumping this fluid.
  • Limited to 240°F maximum temperature
  • Treatment Procedure
  • Laboratory analysis needs to be conducted prior to the job to ensure maximum compatibility of the oil or hydrocarbon to be used in treatment of the job.
  • When batch mixing in frac tanks, it is essential, not to exceed the activator’s concentration higher than 6 gallon/1000
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